Adrian is also a Family Life & Parenting Educator (1994), Family Life Ambassador (2001), Work-Life Educator (2004) with Ministry of Community Development Youth & Sports, now MSF. Since 1993, Adrian has trained over 31,000 Students, 62,000 Parents & 10,500 Teachers in over 235 (Primary, Secondary Schools & Junior Colleges), 40 Pre-schools, and ITE colleges, 4 polytechnics conducting Talks, Seminars, Group Work & Skills Training. He has also conducted Family, Marriage & Parenting courses in Community bodies (Mediacorp Parenting Conference), Catholic & Christian Churches.
Associate Trainer with over 30 Social Service Agencies including Ministry of Education’s Staff Training Branch, Subordinate Court, Ministry of Health, People’s Association, IPAM-CSC, Social Service Training Institute-NCSS, Family Life Society, Morning Star Community Services, Centre for Fathering & Alive Community Network. Corporately, he has trained over 10,000 staff in over 50 companies on Family Work-Life Integration & Work Effectiveness related topics like stress & conflict management.
Some of the favourite training talks and skills workshop he has conducted are: Bringing Up Boys to Manhood (7,000 parents), Coping with Distress (5,000), Emotion Coaching (5,000), Better Dads, Better Kids (2,000), Stress Management (1,500)
ONLY for Persons who are serious about their Holistic Health & Willing to Invest in their Well-being. Training Workshops and Breakthrough Coaching to prepare and empower Young Adults(20-39), Middle-aged(40-59) & Seniors(60 & above) to develop, improve & even expand their Health-Span (mobile, healthy, & Independent living years), not merely Lifespan/Longevity, through evidence-based & evidence-informed strategies & practices, using the BPSS (Bio-Psych-Social-Spiritual) Systemic Framework. The Goal is to “To Live Life lasting longer in better health”.
Who is for? Working Adults (Corporates, Teachers, Social Service), Homemakers, Middle-aged, Seniors.
- Smart Sleep: Resting for complete Restorative Health
- Smart Breathwork: Reduce Stress/Anxiety/Pain, Boost Immunity/Energy/Sleep for Respiratory Health
- Smart Movement: Strength, Mobility & Stability for Cardio & Circulatory Health
- Smart Eating: What, How & When to eat & not Eat for Gut Health & Immunity
- Smart Emotions: Living out our affect & feelings Intelligently
- Smart Thinking: Cognitive Focus & Clarity for Mental Health
- Smart Relationships & Meta-physical: Social Connectedness & Spiritual Health
This SMART & HOLISTIC AGING programme is conducted through a Series of Seven 3- hours hand-on practical Living Skills Workshop sessions over 3 months (including a follow-up Power-on 7th session, 1-2 months after 6th session). Each Workshop can accommodate up to 30 participants. Alternatively, workshops can be conducted individually, upon request & minimum sign-up of 15 participants.
- Introductory SMART & HOLISTIC HEALTH-SPAN: Masterclass of 2 hours@$88 per pax.
- SMART & HOLISTIC HEALTH-SPAN: 7 Masterful Living Skills Workshops of 3 hours each (total 21 hours) @$5,000 per pax.
- Breakthrough Living Coaching: Personalised 1to1 coaching of 2 hours each, for 3 sessions@$1,800, or 6 sessions@$3,600.
- Platinum Package includes 7 Masterful Living Skills Workshops plus Breakthrough Living Coaching at special pricing of 3 sessions@$6,000 (Usual $6,800), or 6 Sessions@$8,000 (Usual $8,600) .
STRIVING to THRIVING Workshop This hand-on Workshop provides the clinical proven techniques to overcome overwhelm from stress. Two (2) hours living-skills workshop to overcome Stress, Anxiety & Worry. To move from Fight-Flight-Freeze-Fix mode to Rest-Relax-Digest mode of living fast & effective through 10 evidence-based strategies.
EMOTION COACHING; The Heart of Parenting. This workshop is designed for parents who are interested to learn more about their parenting style and practice. In order to understand their parenting role better, parents need to understand their emotional awareness and what trigger their reactions to their children. Parents need to also understand their parenting style. Are you a dismissing, disapproving, permissive or an emotion coach? Come learn about yourself and how you and your spouse have and will make a positive difference in the life of your child who is now a teenager. Come to learn the heart of parenting!
Better Dads, Better Kids -Empathic Skills & Practice. This Fathers’ Workshop explores their Roles, and the Common Mistakes fathers make when relating to their children. More importantly it focuses how to use Empathic Listening and Responding Skill Sets for fathers to improve their connection with their child(ren).