A Strength-based Practice using the Family Systems Framework and Bio-Psycho-Social-Spiritual Assessment for customised Intervention Plan.
Supports Couples, Family with Children & Teens, Persons with Special Needs & the Elderly.
Specialises in working with students in Primary & Secondary Schools, ITE, Polytechnic and University.
Working with Boys and Fathers in the context of the parenting concerns in the family system.
Provide intervention for Mental health issues like Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, Emotional and Behavioural (Media Addictions) challenges, in children, teenagers and adults.
Employee Support Service for corporations in Work-Life issues, managing and coping with unhealthy stressors.

Testimonies of Clients/Patients/Partners
Below are testimonies shared with permission:
Thank you so much Adrian. After 6 sessions of EFT, I am a much happier person. I could see myself getting more confident after each EFT session. I used to be anxious and very self-conscious about what people think of me. I am now doing things that I had never done before, like facilitating a group of 15 people. Now I also think very differently. I used to have negative thinking and I am proud to say that I have been positive in whatever I say and do. My thoughts now would be, “I will do it well and if I do make a mistake, it’s ok”. I will do better the next time. My sessions with Adrian have also helped me in my relationship with family and friends. I am more giving & patient towards my family. My physical health has also improved. My blood pressure has gone down, my cholesterol level is good. And the sugar reading is very good (I am not diabetic). As of now, I am a happy person and compared to what I was & I will never want to go back to my old self, thanks to Adrian’s support. – A widowed grandmother, Singapore
It was wonderful working with you, Adrian, for my physical pain issues. I feel more confident about recovering from my ailments as the pain and the stiffness has reduced considerably. I have more clarity about what I need to do. Thank you for helping me to get out of my procrastination and motivating me to take actions focused on self-care and respecting my body’s needs. What was most endearing about our sessions together was that you were able to hold your own strength and confidence and not feel intimidated by me being a senior medical professional, and practitioner myself. – Wife, Mother, Holistic Medical Doctor, EFT & ICM Practitioner, India
I was experiencing a lot of frustration and dissatisfaction before I started my EFT sessions with Adrian. It was very close to the due date of my second baby’s birth and there were quite a few things that went wrong in my pregnancy the few weeks before the sessions and I perceived that I had little control over them. During the first session, I was able to release my bottled-up feelings, and gained awareness that I was also feeling guilt and self-blame, as well as a perception that I was not good enough. It was very therapeutic for me. I felt that the session provided me with a safe space to get in touch with my painful emotions. I was feeling much calmer after the first session and was more effective in getting things done in the following week. During the second session, I was able to process my anxiety and worries about managing the arrival of my second baby. The EFT process that Adrian gently used helped me confront my concerns, as well as explored my strengths and specific coping strategies. I found that the clinical tapping was helpful in calming my emotions and focused on my thoughts better. I was feeling more confident in coping with upcoming challenges after the second session. I was quite amazed that I could get such significant progress in only two sessions. Thanks Adrian. – Wife, Mother of a preschooler & a newborn, & Psychologist living in USA.
“I went through three EFT sessions with Adrian who is an experienced psychologist & counsellor. He is a patient listener and very perceptive. He was able to get right to the key issues that I was confronting. The sessions were very helpful and I had great relief from my problems. I look forward to more sessions with him”. – Husband, Father & Senior Medical Doctor, Singapore.
Thank you, Adrian, for a wonderful experience where I learnt how to control my emotions and stresses in my life; it gave me the feeling of empowerment that I CAN manage my stresses, and how I respond better to people around me whenever I am feeling stressed. I felt a sense of calm and assurance when we did the clinical tapping and talking exercise, and an assuring feeling of self-love; something I had not given any attention to prior. I’ve learnt from the sessions to love myself, as I would love my children, and that I am good enough. I am learning to slow down myself to work better, accept things as they come, and let the calm take over as I retreat into “self-talk and touch therapy” (EFT), whenever I feel the negative emotions starting to creep in. Adrian you are a great listener; you are kind, patient and generous with your time. I admire how you remain so grounded, at peace and joyful in your sessions. Thank you for sharing these wonderful techniques with me to grow. – Wife, Mother of 2 & Senior Management staff
I am glad to have EFT sessions conducted by Adrian Lim over the course of a few months. In our first session, through the tapping shared by Adrian, I was surprised to see the effect of how some childhood trauma had on myself. With his help, I was able to have some closure and healing on those painful pasts.
The EFT Tapping’s Triple Calmer is especially useful for me as a mother. I will tap on my own children to help them to calm down, sometimes because of meltdowns or even phobia of animal. I am happy to see the positive outcomes of Adrian’s sessions with me. Thank you. – Wife, Mother & Consultant, Singapore.