Adrian has provided Clinical Supervision/Coaching to over 740 supervisees who are Psychologists, Social Workers, and Counsellors; and taught over 7,000 tertiary students in Psychology, Social Work & Counselling at 5 Universities since 1999.
Adrian is a Registered Clinical Supervisor with both Singapore Psychological Society (SPS) and Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC). He is an Accredited Social Work Supervisor with Singapore Association of Social Workers (SASW).
Clinical Supervisees’ Testimonies
Adrian was my Clinical Supervisor for 3 years from 2014 – 2016. During that time, he supervised me during my counselling practice in an all-girl secondary school. His friendly approach belied clear structure during supervision sessions. I grew both professionally and personally with his clinical guidance and support. I found his Supervision sessions very useful in conceptualising and planning through my client cases, consider various angles and perspectives to learn something new to move the client forward. He recognised my strengths, one being in my writing and he encouraged me to use more in my professional writing and counselling reports. I owe a lot of my professional growth as a counsellor to Adrian. I am very grateful for his support during those 3 years.
Debra Scully Teacher & Guidance Counsellor, CHIJ Katong Convent, Ex-MOE Guidance Officer
I have benefitted greatly from his extensive professional knowledge and skills. Adrian is one of the few Clinical Supervisors who has excellent clinical skills, not only in Individual Counselling, but also in Family Therapy and Case Management. When working with his student clients, he worked closely with their families, teachers, school counsellors, social workers, mental health practitioners, and even the client’s friends and classmates. Adrian’s creativity and persistence in advocating for his clients was inspiring for me. Adrian’s familiarity with social services and support resources and contacts is also remarkable. Adrian takers very good care of the emotional well-being off his supervisees. He was always encouraging and helped puts things in perspective when I was experiencing challenges in my cases. He always affirmed my efforts when he noticed my blind spots, he would point out in a very supportive and constructive manner. Adria Take his helping profession seriously and sets a high standard for himself. I would definitely recommend him to others as their Clinical Supervisor.
KH, Psychologist, Singapore
Adrian’s Clinical Supervision helped me identify areas for improvement in my professional and personal growth by exploring my values, biases, and emotional responses. He provided a safe space and shared different perspectives, feedback and role play exercise when we discussed challenging cases. It benefited myself and clients.
JW, Counsellor